How To Spot An Asphalt Paving Scam Before It Happens: 9 Warning Signs

Asphalt paving scams can be very costly for homeowners who fall victim to them. If you’re unfamiliar with common warning signs, you could hire a shady contractor who will take your money and run.

So today, Black & Yellow Pavement Inc. will show you nine ways to spot an asphalt paving scam before it happens. So, before you hire anyone to pave your driveway, read this article! You’ll be glad you did.

Unreasonable Pricing:

A legitimate contractor will give you a fair price based on the scope of work. If the price is significantly lower than other quotes, be cautious.

It could signify that they are not using quality materials or will cut corners to save money. Also, an unreasonably low price indicates additional costs later on.

Asking For Full Payment Upfront:

A legitimate contractor will not ask you to pay the full amount upfront. They may ask for a deposit to cover materials but should not request the entire payment before starting work.

No References:

When you’re considering hiring a contractor, ask for references. A reputable company should have no problem providing you with a list of past clients.

Once you have the references, call them and ask about their experience. However, if the company is unable to provide any references, beware. It’s a red flag.

Beware of Door-To-Door Sales Assistants:

One of the most common ways that scams are perpetrated is by door-to-door sales clerks. These individuals will often show up unannounced and pressure you into hiring them on the spot.

They may even offer a discount if you make a decision right away. In most cases, sending these salesmen on their way is best.

Cash Only Sales Claim:

Another red flag to watch out for is when a contractor demands that you pay in cash. It is often a sign that they are not legitimate and are looking to avoid paying taxes on their work.

No License or Insurance:

All reputable contractors should have both liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. If they don’t, it’s a major red flag.

Not only does this mean they are not legitimate, but it also means that you could be held responsible for any accidents or injuries during the job.

Pressure to Sign a Contract in a Hurry:

If a contractor is pressing you to sign immediately, it could be because they’re not legitimate. They may be trying to take advantage of you before you have time to research them or get other quotes.

No Physical Address or Website:

If the contractor you’re considering hiring doesn’t have a physical address or website, that’s a major red flag. A legitimate business will have both of these things.

Unmarked Truck:

If the truck that arrives to do the job is unmarked, that’s another warning sign. A professional paving company will have their name and contact information printed on their truck.

Black & Yellow Pavement Inc. is the most economical choice for any pavement project in Burlington, VT. That is because we offer a free estimate and have friendly staff who will work with you on your budget to get what’s needed done right!

A Step-By-Step Guide To Infrared Repairs For Your Asphalt Pavement

Asphalt pavement is commonly installed on residential and commercial properties. It is durable, low-maintenance, and relatively affordable. However, asphalt can become cracked and damaged over time, requiring maintenance and occasional repairs.

This blog post by Black And Yellow Pavement Inc. will outline a step-by-step guide to repairing your asphalt pavement using infrared repair (IR) technology. So, if you are experiencing any problems with your driveway or sidewalk, read on!

Step # 1: Identify the Source of the Problem:

If you have an asphalt pavement problem, the first thing you need to do is identify the source of the issue. Is there a crack in the pavement? Are there areas of the pavement that are raised or sunken? Once you’ve identified the problem, you can begin to repair it.

Step # 2: Remove Debris or Vegetation:

Once you’ve identified the problem areas, removing debris or vegetation presents the next step. It includes things like leaves, twigs, and branches. You’ll also want to remove any weeds in cracks or other problem areas.

Step # 3: Remove Oil or Fuel Stains:

If oil or fuel stains are present, you’ll need to remove them before beginning repairs. The best way to do this is with a commercial degreaser. Apply the degreaser to the stained areas and let it sit for several minutes before scrubbing with a brush.

Step # 4: Heat the Asphalt:

Now it’s time to start the repair process! The first step is to heat the asphalt with an infrared heater. You can rent one from a hardware store or home improvement center if you don’t have one. Get the asphalt heated to 375 degrees Fahrenheit to work wonders.

Step # 5: Pour it on the Damaged Area:

Once the asphalt is heated, you can pour it into the damaged area. Spread the asphalt with a putty knife or trowel to ensure even coverage.

Step # 6: Compact Firmly:

After applying the asphalt, you’ll need to compact it firmly. You can accomplish this with a hand tamper or by driving over the area with a vehicle. It’s important to spread the heated asphalt evenly on the surface and compact it firmly to ensure a durable repair.

Step # 7: Let It Cure:

Now that you’ve repaired the damaged area, it’s time to let it cure. This procedure can take up to 24 hours, so be patient! Once the asphalt has cured, you can enjoy your new driveway or sidewalk.

Step # 8: Inspect It:

After the repair has been cured, inspecting it’s always a good idea. Make sure there are no crevices or divots on the surface. If everything looks right, then you’re all done! Congratulations on a job well done.

So, there you have it—your complete guide to repairing asphalt pavement through infrared technology. As you can see, repairing asphalt pavement is a process that takes time and precision.

However, it’s a job that Black And Yellow Pavement Inc. is more than capable of handling for you. We have the proficiency and expertise to make your asphalt pavement look good as new in no time.

If you’re in Toronto and are interested in acquiring our services, get a free estimate!

A List Of The Common Crack Failures Asphalt Pavement Can Experience

Asphalt pavement is a popular choice for roads and parking lots because it is durable and relatively inexpensive. However, it can experience a wide variety of failures, depending on the climate and traffic conditions used. Black And Yellow Pavement Inc will discuss some of the most common crack failures in asphalt pavement in this blog post.

Alligator Cracking

One of the most common types of failures is known as alligator cracking. This occurs when the asphalt pavement has been damaged by water or traffic, causing it to crack & resemble the skin of an alligator. Alligator cracking can be repaired by sealing the cracks with hot asphalt mix.

Edge Cracking

Another failure that can occur is called edge cracking. This happens when the edges of the asphalt pavement start to crumble and crack. Edge cracking can be caused by poor drainage, lack of support, or excessive traffic. It is essential to repair edge cracks as soon as possible because they can quickly turn into potholes.


Potholes are another common type of failure that can occur on asphalt pavement. Potholes occur when water seeps into the cracks in the pavement and freezes, expanding and weakening the asphalt. You can repair potholes by filling them with an asphalt patching material.


Finally, one of the most severe types of failures that can occur in asphalt pavement is known as raveling. Raveling occurs when the pavement’s surface begins to break down and crumble. This can be caused due to poor construction, lack of maintenance, or exposure to weathering. Raveling can be prevented by maintaining a good seal coat on the pavement’s surface.

If you notice any of these failures beginning to form in your asphalt pavement, it is crucial to have them repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage. For more information on asphalt pavement repair, contact a local asphalt contractor.

How to Repair Cracks?

Asphalt is a durable material that can withstand wear and tear. However, over time, even the strongest asphalt will develop cracks.

Fortunately, repairing asphalt cracks is relatively simple and can be done with a few tools and materials.

  • First, you’ll need to clean out the crack to remove loose debris.
  • Next, you’ll need to fill the crack with an asphalt repair product.
  • Finally, you’ll need to use a tamper or roller to press the repaired product into the crack.

Once the repaired product has dried, your asphalt will be as good as new!

Black And Yellow Pavement Inc. serving Kitchener/Waterloo and the surrounding areas, has been providing high-quality and cost-effective pavement maintenance solutions to our clients since 2006. For us, it’s not only about paving over cracks in your parking lot—we want to give you a safe, smooth, and attractive surface.

Whether it’s paving reconstruction or simply maintaining your asphalt pavement, we’re here to help. We use only the highest quality materials and equipment, and our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing outstanding customer service.

Get your free estimate now!

How To Perform Infrared Patching On Asphalt Pavement: A Step-By-Step Guide

Asphalt pavement can develop distress due to various reasons, but one common issue is the presence of infrared fatigue cracking. This type of cracking occurs when thermal cycling (repeated expansion and contraction) causes the asphalt to weaken and separate.

Fortunately, a relatively simple solution can help prevent or fix these cracks: infrared patching. In this article, Black And Yellow Pavement Inc. will provide a step-by-step guide on how to perform this repair technique.

How Does Infrared Patching Work?

Infrared patching works by heating the existing asphalt in the affected area to create a more pliable surface. It allows for a new layer of asphalt to be added to better bond with the old pavement.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Infrared Patching on Asphalt:

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform infrared patching:

Step One: Prepare the Area

The first step is to clean and prepare the area to be repaired. It means removing any loose debris or vegetation and cleaning up any oil or fuel stains. Once the area is clean, you’ll need to use a broom to roughen up the surface of the existing pavement. It will help ensure that the new asphalt has a good surface to bond to.

Step Two: Heat the Asphalt

Next, you’ll need to heat the existing asphalt in the repair area. It is done with a special infrared heater or even a propane torch. The goal is to get the asphalt to about 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step Three: Add the New Asphalt

Once the existing asphalt is heated, you can add the new asphalt mix. It should be done in small batches, using a shovel or trowel to spread evenly over the repair area. Be sure to compact the new asphalt firmly as you go.

Step Four: Cool and Finish

After all of the new asphalt has been added, you’ll need to allow it to cool. Cover the area with a tarp or blanket. Once the asphalt has cooled and hardened, you can finish up by applying a sealant or seal coat. It will help protect the repair from weathering and further damage.

When is the Best Time to Get Infrared Patching Done?

You may have your asphalt repaired with infrared patching at any time of year. But it’s generally best to do it in the spring or summer. The warmer temperatures will help make the repair process easier and faster.

However, if you have an emergency repair that needs to be done in the middle of winter, don’t hesitate to call a professional asphalt contractor. They will be able to assess the situation and determine whether or not infrared patching is the best solution.

Benefits of Infrared Patching on Asphalt Surface:

Infrared patching can be used to treat several different types of asphalt damage, including:

  • Alligator cracking
  • Potholes
  • Depressions
  • Edge breaks and raveling
  • Fatigue cracking

This repair technique is also beneficial because it can be done quickly and does not require the removal of the existing asphalt surface. It can save both time and money. Additionally, infrared patching can be used as a preventative measure to help extend the life of your asphalt pavement.

If you’re looking for a way to repair or prevent damage to your asphalt pavement, infrared patching may be the solution you need. With this step-by-step guide, you can learn how to perform this repair technique. Give it a try today!

And if you don’t feel comfortable performing the repairs yourself in OakvilleBlack and Yellow Pavement Inc. is always here to help. Contact us today for a free quote, and we’ll take care of everything for you. Thanks for reading!

7 Top Paint Stripping Precautions To Keep Your Team Safe

If you’re planning to strip paint from surfaces in your workplace, it’s essential to take necessary paint stripping precautions to keep workers safe. Black And Yellow Pavement Inc. will discuss seven of the most crucial safety measures for paint stripping. By following these tips, you can help ensure a safe and productive work environment for your employees.

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Paint Stripping Process

Review the paint stripping process before beginning work. Check the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations for paint stripping. Assign a safety coordinator to develop a safe work plan. Inspect the work area for potential hazards. It will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect. Never leave the work area unattended while paint stripping is taking place. Use caution when handling hot surfaces and materials. Always clean up to avoid slip-and-fall accidents. Ensure to keep children and pets away from the work area. Work slowly and carefully to prevent any accidents. Ensure the workers stay hydrated and take breaks as needed. Heat exhaustion can be a real danger when working in hot conditions.

2. Personal Protective Equipment

One of the most critical paint stripping precautions is to use the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). This includes gloves, respirators, and eye protection. Have a first-aid kit on hand in case of any accidents. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case of any hazards.

3. Wet Surfaces Before Stripping

Another precaution to take is to ensure surfaces are wet before stripping them. It will help prevent dust from becoming airborne and inhaled by workers. Be sure to use a mild detergent solution and avoid using harsh chemicals. Keep the work area clean and organized.

4. Avoid Using Power Tools

It’s also important to avoid using power tools. These can create dangerous sparks that could ignite flammable materials. Instead, opt for manual tools.

5. Follow Local Regulations to Dispose of Stripped Paint and Other Materials

When disposing of stripped paint and other materials, follow all local regulations. It includes appropriately labeling containers and disposing of them in designated areas.

6. Strip Paint in a Well-Ventilated Area

Ensure to open windows and doors or use a fan to ventilate the area where you’ll be working. This will help prevent dust from becoming airborne and inhaled by workers. Be sure to use a mild detergent solution and avoid using harsh chemicals.

7. Beware of Lead Poisoning

Lead poisoning can occur when working with lead-based paint. Symptoms include headache, abdominal pain, muscle weakness, and seizures. If you think someone may have been exposed to lead, seek medical attention immediately.

Ending Note

Stripping paint can be a messy and dangerous job if the proper paint stripping precautions aren’t taken. That is why it’s essential to follow the tips we’ve outlined in this blog post to keep your team and people nearby safe. And if you need assistance with stripping paint, Black And Yellow Pavement Inc. in the Burlington area is here to help. We offer free quotes so that you can get started on your paint stripping project as soon as possible.

Why Does Asphalt Pavement Need To Be Texturized?

You know how uncomfortable it can be if you’ve ever driven over a texturized asphalt pavement. Asphalt pavement is texturized to provide a safe and smooth driving surface. Black And Yellow Pavement Inc will discuss the benefits of texturizing asphalt pavement and explain why it is so important.

The Need for Texturizing Pavement

Asphalt pavement comprises tiny stones, sand, and asphalt binder. The asphalt binder binds everything together and gives the pavement its black color. Over time, weathering and traffic can break down the asphalt binder, causing the pavement to become brittle and cracked. Texturizing asphalt pavement helps prevent this damage by providing a protective layer that keeps the asphalt binder from breaking down.

Why Is Asphalt Texturizing Important?

Texturizing asphalt pavement is an essential asphalt pavement maintenance step that helps extend the life of roadway surfaces.

  • By adding texture to asphalt, we can improve its gripping capabilities, which helps prevent slipping, skidding, and other accidents due to poor surface conditions.


  • Additionally, texturizing asphalt pavement helps to enhance traction, which is especially important during inclement weather or when temperatures are low.


  • Ultimately, texturizing asphalt pavement helps ensure driver and pedestrian safety on our roads and communities.

So, if you’re looking for a way to keep our roads safe and functional for years to come, you must consider asphalt pavement texturing as part of your road maintenance strategy.

Is Textured Asphalt Expensive?

Stamped and textured asphalt pavement can be a great way to add a touch of style and sophistication to any driveway or sidewalk. However, many people assume that these specialty asphalt surfaces are too expensive for their budget.

However, stamped and textured asphalt can be more economical than traditional asphalt pavement, requiring less maintenance and repairs over time.

Furthermore, with proper asphalt pavement maintenance, stamped and textured asphalt can last for many years without wearing and tear signs.

Benefits of Texturizing Asphalt Pavement

Texturizing also provides several other benefits, including:

Enhanced Skid Resistance:

Textured asphalt provides better traction for vehicles, which is especially important in wet or icy conditions.

Increased Durability:

A textured surface is more resistant to wear and tear than a smooth surface. This means that textured asphalt pavement will last longer before being repaired or replaced.

Improved Aesthetics:

Textured asphalt can give your pavement a more finished look.

Black & Yellow Pavement Inc. can be a one-stop-shop for all your pavement maintenance needs in the Kitchener/Waterloo area! We specialize in paving reconstruction and pavement maintenance services.

We’ve been serving the Kitchener area for many years & we’ve built up a reputation for being the best in the business. We’re always on time, professional, and always 100% committed to our client’s satisfaction.

When you choose us, you can rest assured knowing that you’re getting the best possible service at the best possible price.

Get your free estimate now!

3 Reasons Not To Ignore Alligator Cracks In Your Parking Lot

Do you own a parking lot? If so, you must be aware of alligator cracks and the damage they can cause. Alligator cracking is a type of pavement failure that occurs when asphalt or concrete develops a series of interconnected cracks resembling an alligator’s teeth.

Though alligator cracking is often mistaken for mere cosmetic damage, it can lead to more severe problems down the road if ignored. Black And Yellow Pavement Inc. shares three reasons in this blog post why you should not overlook alligator cracks in your parking lot.

Causes of Alligator Cracking

There are several reasons why this type of pavement failure can occur. One of the most common reasons is fatigue. Fatigue cracking occurs when asphalt or concrete is subject to repeated traffic loading over time. This constant stress and strain eventually take its toll, leading to cracks.

Another common cause of alligator cracking is excessive weight or heavy loading. When a parking lot is regularly subject to heavy trucks or other vehicles, the added weight can push the pavement to crack and fail.

In some cases, alligator cracks can also be caused by poor drainage. If water isn’t able to drain correctly from a parking lot, it can seep beneath the pavement and cause it to break down from the inside out.

Reasons Why You Should Not Ignore This Type of Pavement Damage

  1. For starters, ignoring alligator cracks in your parking lot will only lead to more problems down the road. These cracks will continue to grow and spread, but they can also lead to potholes and other types of severe damage.
  2. Alligator cracks can also be a trip hazard for pedestrians. If the cracks are large enough, they can pose a severe safety hazard for anyone walking on the pavement.
  3. Ignoring alligator cracks can also lead to increased maintenance costs. Once the cracks start to spread, you’ll likely have to repair them more often. Ultimately, you may even need to replace the entire parking lot if the damage becomes too severe.

The Best Ways of Repairing Alligator Cracks

The best way to repair alligator cracks is to seal them. Sealing the cracks will prevent water from getting into the cracks and causing further damage. It will also help fill in any voids and keep the cracks from spreading.

You can seal alligator cracks yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. If you prefer to do it yourself, use a high-quality crack sealer and follow the instructions carefully.

If the cracks are too extreme, you may need to repave the entire parking lot. This is usually only necessary if the alligator cracks are very large or if they cover a large area.

Repaving is a big job, so it’s best to hire a professional pavement contractor to do it for you. They will have the equipment and experience necessary to do the job right.

Black and Yellow Pavement Inc., provides asphalt paving services for commercial and industrial businesses in the Toronto area. We understand that alligator cracking can be a severe problem for businesses and homeowners. It can lead to declined safety and increased maintenance costs. That’s why we offer a free consultation so that we can assess the damage and provide you with an accurate quote for repairing or resurfacing your parking lot. So don’t ignore those alligator cracks – call us today!

Under What Circumstances You Should Expect A Complete Pavement Overhaul?

There are various reasons why a pavement may fail, but some of the most common are asphalt failure, slippage, bleeding, alligator cracks, corrugation, and giant potholes. This blog post by Black And Yellow Pavement Inc. will discuss each type of pavement failure in detail and explain when a complete overhaul is expected.

The Different Types of Pavement Overhauls

Pavement overhaul is big business. Billions of dollars are spent on repairing and maintaining roads, sidewalks, and parking lots every year.


The most common type of pavement overhaul is milling, which involves removing the top layer of asphalt with a large machine. Milling can be used to repair cracks and potholes or smooth out a rough surface.


Resurfacing is another popular option, which involves adding a new layer of asphalt over the existing surface. Resurfacing can help extend the pavement’s life and improve its appearance.

Full-Depth Reconstruction

For larger projects, full-depth reconstruction may be necessary. This involves excavating the entire pavement and rebuilding it from the ground up. Although it is more expensive and disruptive than other options, full-depth reconstruction can provide a long-lasting solution for pavement in poor condition.

How Much Money Will the Pavement Overhaul Cost Me?

Over time, pavement can crack and crumble, making them unsafe for vehicles and pedestrians. So, it is crucial to inspect your pavement and make repairs as needed regularly.

The cost of a pavement overhaul will depend on the size of the area and the severity of the damage. However, if you keep it maintained, you can extend the life of your pavement and keep it looking its best for years to come.

How Long Will the Pavement Overhaul Last?

The pavement must be sturdy enough to withstand the constant traffic flow while remaining smooth and leveled to ensure a comfortable ride.

It is no surprise that pavement overhauls are a significant undertaking. However, the results can last for many years with proper planning and execution. How long the pavement lasts depends on many factors, including the type of pavement, the severity of the damage, and the climate. However, you can expect a pavement overhaul to last from a few years to several decades.

The following steps are taken to perform a complete pavement overhaul:

  • The first step in any pavement overhaul is to remove the old pavement. This can be challenging, as the pavement may be bonded to the underlying roadbed or parking lot.
  • Once the old pavement is removed, you need to inspect the roadbed or parking lot for any damage. The workers must repair any damaged areas before new pavement can be laid down.

Make sure to have your pavement regularly inspected and repaired as needed. With proper care, your pavement will be able to withstand the wear and tear of heavy traffic for many years to come.

Black And Yellow Pavement Inc is here to solve all your pavement issues in Kitchener/Waterloo and the surrounding areas. Whether you’re looking for a commercial overhaul or residential pavement maintenance, we have it all sorted for you!

Get your free estimate now!

The Role Of Temperature In Paving Asphalt

Temperature is key when it comes to asphalt paving projects. Paving contractors take temperatures into account when formulating a paving plan. If the weather is too hot, the pavement will become soft and may cause problems down the road. If it’s too cold, the asphalt won’t cure properly and could lead to future issues. In this blog post, Black and Yellow Pavement Inc. will tell you everything you need to know about pavement temperatures and asphalt paving. Keep reading to learn more!

There are three types of temperatures crucial to paving asphalt:

  1. Ambient Temperature – The temperature of the air;
  2. Subgrade Temperature – The temperature of the ground or the existing asphalt; and
  3. Asphalt Temperature – The temperature of the asphalt mix.

An ideal combination of the three temperatures will offer a suitable environment for laying a durable asphalt surface.

Ambient Temperature.

The ambient temperature is always a consideration when paving asphalt. Paving contractors prefer to work with a minimum ambient temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit, with the forecast rising throughout the day. If the air temperature is any lower, the asphalt will cool down faster and cause problems in the binding and compaction of the pavement.

If it is forecasted to be windy, this will remove the heat from the asphalt much quicker than is required. It is another essential factor that you will need to consider before beginning your asphalt paving project.

Subgrade Temperature.

The subgrade temperature is also vital to the success of the pavement surface. An infrared thermometer can track this temperature. The subgrade should be a minimum of 50 degrees Fahrenheit and forecasted to rise throughout the day. Paving contractors avoid laying asphalt when the temperature is too cool. The low ground temperature means that the asphalt will be quick to cool down, leading to inadequate compaction and failure of the pavement.

Asphalt Temperature.

Asphalt temperature or Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is another critical factor in a successful pavement. The asphalt mix temperature is important because it controls how well the asphalt will bind with itself and the aggregate. Asphalt is prepared around 300-350F and applied around 220-290F for pavement installation. If the material’s temperature drops below 185F, the result is a weak, poorly bound pavement. Asphalt that is too hot or applied at ambient temperatures exceeding 100F will cause the binder to overheat, leading to problems such as raveling, slippage, & corrugation.

Remember, the HMA mix may be hot before pouring, but a low ambient temperature, wind, lack of sun, or cool ground temperature are all factors that can cool the asphalt mix below the desired temperature much more quickly than required, causing it not to bind appropriately and fall apart.

When Should I Schedule My Asphalt Pavement Project?

Unless you want a weak and brittle pavement, asphalt paving in cold weather below 50 degrees Fahrenheit is not recommended. Asphalt paving projects are typically scheduled during the warmer months in Ontario. To ensure that your asphalt pavement is durable and long-lasting, you must keep the temperature trifecta in mind before beginning any laying.

The experts at Black and Yellow Pavement Inc. are here to help you with all your asphalt laying, repairing, and seal coating needs. If you are in or near the Greater Toronto Area, Burlington, or Oakville in Ontariocontact us or get a free estimate for your next asphalt paving project!

Is Infrared Asphalt Patching Better Than Conventional Patching Techniques?

Asphalt pavement is a mixture of sand, stone, and bitumen. It is a durable surface that can last for years when properly maintained. It needs periodic repairs. There are several ways to patch asphalt, but which one is the best?

This blog post by Black and Yellow Pavement Inc. will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of infrared asphalt repair and the traditional patching techniques.

What is Infrared Asphalt Repair?

Infrared asphalt repair is a newer technology that uses infrared heat to soften the asphalt so that it can be repaired. The benefit of this method is that it does not require heavy equipment or jackhammers. This means that it can be done quickly and with minimal disruption to traffic. Additionally, because the existing asphalt is used as part of the repair, there is no need for additional materials. Infrared repairs are also less likely to cause water damage or potholes.

Is Traditional Patching Better?

Traditional patching techniques involve removing the damaged section of asphalt and replacing it with new material. While traditional patching is quite effective, it can be disruptive and time-consuming. It also requires the use of heavy equipment, which can create traffic problems.

However, traditional patching may be the best option when the damage is extensive or if the surrounding area is not suitable for infrared asphalt repair.

Traditional patching is also necessary if the subbase or foundation has been damaged. It is essential to make sure that the repairs are done correctly to avoid further damage in these cases.

The Bottom Line

Both infrared asphalt repair and traditional patching techniques have their advantages and disadvantages. When deciding which method to use, it is essential to consider the extent of the damage, the surrounding area, and the type of surface that needs to be repaired. By taking all of these factors into account, you can ensure that your repairs will be done correctly and will last for years

So, what is the verdict? Is infrared asphalt repair better than traditional asphalt patching? We think so! Infrared repairs are less disruptive, require no new materials, and are less likely to cause water damage or potholes. But again, it depends on your unique situation.

Are you looking for a quick and effective way to fix potholes in your asphalt pavement in Waterloo? Look no further than Black and Yellow Pavement Inc. – the leading infrared repair contractor with over 15 years of experience. Infrared repair is a cutting-edge pavement repair method that can fix potholes in as little as 15 minutes, making it the perfect solution for busy roads and parking lots. So don’t wait – call us for all your asphalt repair needs! You can get your free estimate now by giving us the details of your project. You can also explore our other services now!